Good weather at Earth and Fire on the Friday when I visited.
Potter stalls
Potter stalls
Potter stalls
Potter stalls
Potter stalls
Potter stalls
Patricia Shone
Ben Dodd
Jason Braham
Penny Simpson
Susanne Lukacs-Ringel
Alex Shimwell
David Frith
Niek Hoogland
Niek Hoogland
Charlotte and Sigerd Boehmer
Chiu-i Wu
Imogen Taylor-Noble
Potter Stalls with Francoise Dufayard plate in foreground
Rachel Wood
Nic Collins
Mark Griffiths
John Stroomer
Doug Fitch
Steve Booton
Roger Cockram
Kyra Cane
Peter Beard
Nic Collins
Yo Thom
Karen Fawcett
Fleen Doran
Svend Bayer
Tim Hurn
Lisa Hammond
Doug Fitch and Hannah McAndrew