Mike's Pots

 Glaze Effects

Glaze Effects

Having become interested in macro photography, I decided to look at glaze effects on some of my pots, so I hope these images will be of interest. These are high definition images so if your device allows it, you will be able to zoom in and pan around to see more detail. Although I have left no clues I have no doubt that some of you will be able to work out the potters concerned. If not just click on an image and the pot and its maker will be revealed.

The images were taken with my Fujifilm X-T2 using a 10mm extension tube fitted on the standard 18-55mm lens. Perhaps one day I will invest in a dedicated macro lens.

These are my first attempts at this type of photography, if you have any suggestions or similar images to share please contact me.

Jim Malone yunomi
Michael Casson dry ash bowl
Ray Finch charger
Phil Rogers bottle

Mark Griffiths yunomi
Richard Batterham caddy
Ray Finch plate
Edward Hughes plate

David Lloyd-Jones jug
Geoffrey Whiting fluted bottle
Svend Bayer plate
Sten Borsting mug