Doctors Surgery - 2005 - Exhibition
Reuben Batterham's Poterie D'Aval is near St. Claude in Eastern France. This exhibition was very much a family event, the venue was the doctor's surgery where his sister works, the surgery buildings being designed by his brother. The influence of his father Richard is evident in Reuben's ash and salt glazed stoneware. The exhibition consisted of around 150 storage jars, bowls, plates, casseroles and vases. The preview was well attended and the lively atmosphere was generated in part due to the french wine and food provided.
Stoneware casserole
Stoneware pots
Huge grain jars
Salt glazed stoneware
Stoneware storage jars
Casserole and coffee cups
Stoneware pots
Stoneware pots
Stoneware storage jars
Stoneware storage jar
Stoneware casserole
Stoneware vase
Stoneware pots
Huge grain jar
Stoneware pots
Salt glazed vase
Huge stoneware vase
Huge grain jar