September 11th to November 6th 2021
This excellent exhibition, delayed from last year because of the pandemic, celebrates the centenary of the Leach Pottery which was established in St. Ives by Bernard Leach and Shoji Hamada in 1920.
The exhibition takes up all but one of the gallery rooms and the pots have been displayed in three time periods:
The early years - 1920-1955
Bernard Leach, Shoji Hamada,
David Leach, Michael Cardew, Bill Marshall, Warren MacKenzie and Derek Emms.
The Janet years - 1955-2003
Janet Leach, Richard Batterham,
Shinsaku Hamada, Trevor Corser, John Bedding, Alan Brough, Shigeyoshi Ichino,
Jeff Oestreich, William Klock, Jason Wason, Joanna Wason, Nic Harrison and
Tomoo Hamada.
The restoration years - 2003 onwards
Jack Doherty, Jake
Bodilly, Kat Wheeler, Ian Morrison and Laura Crossland.